pelican case
kobe logo
overwatch reaper mask
3rd gen
tangled sun symbol
fortnite shadow
xperia xz case
laser box
diffuseur d air
vortex gopro
robe hanger
ghostbusters kenner
magus pathfinder
clone gunner
super reef octopus
10w led
stackable planters
flex plate
golden jaguar killmonger
sea of thieves galleon
chappie figure
popular models by Sergio Morales —
Most downloadable free 3D models by Sergio Morales
Sergio Morales
Enigma Machine Replica
Sergio Morales
Prusa MMU Screw Holder
Sergio Morales
Saturn V rocket
Sergio Morales
Majorca Island
Sergio Morales
Oral B electric tootbrush travel cap
Sergio Morales
Retroleum Interface for ZX Spectrum MMU2 colour case
Sergio Morales
24h clock for ws2812b leds
Sergio Morales
Here are some examples of my work