Weekday-Clock remix

My wife and I are retired and always wondering what day of the week it is, especially when trashday comes around. (we…
updated April 13, 2022



My wife and I are retired and always wondering what day of the week it is, especially when trashday comes around. (we could always look at the calendar or ipad, but what fun is that?).

Saw this wonderful creation by DavidKingsman and remixed it for our specifics. I cut out a small rectangle on the main bodies to add the metal hangers that came with the clock movements I ordered and cut out some of the inside of the dial to save some time and plastic and see the hand gear. Then I made a wiggly hand, just because. I added a painted piece of .2mm plastic painted to match the wall for the upper "triangle" to hide the main body part which for some reason I printed in black. Don't need this if you print in the color it to match your wall.

UPDATE: I found that my wiggly hand was too close to the dial and would sometimes rub against it. It got stuck in the early Saturday position after running perfectly the six days before. I used a heat gun to put a double bend in the hand as shown in one of the pictures. The wiggly hand I uploaded has a more snug fit to the post then the one I printed so it should not be a problem. If so, you can break out the old heat gun.

You might notice that the top of the dial is positioned between Saturday and Sunday as in the US, unlike most of the world, our weekday begins on Sunday instead of Monday. At least that's how our calendars are printed.

Print Settings

Printer Brand:



Ender 5









Filament: various PLA Pro whatever suits you

Category: Gadgets


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
