I redesigned this a bit to use a "Name Badge Reel" as a means to replace the built-in printed spring.
There are two modified parts and one new printed part:
-I replaced the spring with a spool to wind the string from the badge reel as the filliment pays out. When it reached the end of the string, the clutch slips. There is a slot for the string to travel through to the center of the plate where a string holder holds the string in the center. I added a bearing to the plate to help everything spin freely.
-I added a String holder with a hole for the string to pass through. You tie a knot in the string to keep it from passing back out the hole.
The badge reel fits between the post of the stand. I drilled a couple holes in the stand for zip ties to secure the badge reel in place.
-I redesigned the Dial to accommodate the design.
You will need a bearing, Name Badge Reel, zip tie and of course all the other parts from the Universal Auto-Rewind Spool Holder.
3 Parimeters
The author remixed this model.