and one more fantastic piece by the one and only Causeturk, an amzing graffitti artsit. Please check out his Instagram and leave many likes (Link below).
This print is not using multiextruders or multimaterial kits, it's only colorchanges in z-direction.
Feel free to leave some feedback in the comments and let us see your prints. If your an artist and your interested in 3D printing please approach me.
Take a look at the .3mf sclic3r files, you can see all colorchanges and print settings there. I printed the pieces on a Prusa Mini.
This is printed with 0.1 mm layers and 4 color changes in the order white, yellow, black and orange. The color change itself and all relevant printing parameters can be seen and adjusted in the Slic3r .3mf files. The filaments I used are linked below.
Causeturk supplied me with the .svg files of this design and from there on I had only do do some slight changes to the design inf inkscape and than Fusion360. One has to decide on which parts of the character should be extruded to wich z height, according to the colorchanges.
Causeturk on Insta
Filament 1 (white):
Filament 2 (sunny yellow):
Filament 3 (black):
Filament 4 (orange):
inkscape (open source vector image editor)
Paint.Net (open source image editing software)
How to colorchange:
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.