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crucifixion —
Founded crucifixion models & stl files for printing
Scan The World
Kreuzigung Christi (Crucifixion of Christ)
Scan The World
Relief depicting the Crucifixion
Scan The World
Relief of the Crucifixion of Jesus (with base)
Scan The World
Relief of the Crucifixion of Jesus (no base)
Scan The World
Christ carrying the cross
Scan The World
Figure of Christ from Michelangelos Pieta
The Crucifixion of St. Super Mario
Scan The World
Mourning Virgin from A Crucifixion
Scan The World
Mourning Virgin from a Crucifixion
Scan The World
Christ Crowned with Thorns
Preaching Cross in Newport Museum (South Wales)
Scan The World
Child Jesus carrying the cross
Scan The World
Crucified Christ (no base)
Scan The World
Crucified Christ
Capital - The Descent from the Cross and The Entombment of Christ
Scan The World
Christ Crucified, from a group
Scan The World
The Madonna, from a group
Scan The World
Saint John, from a group
Corpus Christi
SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
Descent from the Cross
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