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parthenon frieze east iii 19 fragment —
Founded parthenon frieze east iii 19 fragment models & stl files for printing
Scan The World
Parthenon Frieze _ South I, 1-3
Scan The World
Parthenon Frieze _ South II, 5-7
Scan The World
Parthenon Frieze _ South XIV, 23-39
Scan The World
Fragment of a Roman Frieze
Scan The World
Frieze Slab from the Ionic Temple on the Ilissos in Athens [1]
Scan The World
Frieze Slab from the Ionic Temple on the Ilissos in Athens [2]
Scan The World
Frieze Slab from the Ionic Temple on the Ilissos in Athens [3]
Scan The World
Fragment from a frieze
Scan The World
Fragment of a frieze
Scan The World
Fragment of a frieze
Scan The World
Fragment of a Slab with Triton and Plant Spiral
Scan The World
Fragment of a slab with Triton and plant spiral
SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
Parthenon South Metope II
Scan The World
Frieze Panel with cut-out from a vine frieze
Scan The World
Frieze from the Temple of Athena Nike on the Acropolis [3]
Scan The World
Fragment of a metope
Scan The World
Fragment of an Entablature
Scan The World
Fragment of a royal nose
Scan The World
Frieze block from the Basilica of Neptune
Scan The World
Fragment of a Dancing Satyr Statue
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