fragment of a funerary stele of a woman with a lamenting women —

Founded fragment of a funerary stele of a woman with a lamenting women models & stl files for printing
Front part of a sarcophagus
Fragment of Attic stele
Grave stele
Scan The World
Grave stele
Scan The World
Grave stele
Scan The World
Female head Fragment of a statue
SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
Grave Stele
Scan The World
Torso of a Woman
Scan The World
Funerary lekythos
Scan The World
Grave stele
Scan The World
Statue of a woman
Scan The World
Female Funerary Statue
Scan The World
Running with a bird
Scan The World
Seated woman
Scan The World
The sitting woman
Scan The World