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funerary stele —
Founded funerary stele models & stl files for printing
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Marble stele of a woman
Scan The World
Anjh-auf-Mut Adoring a Seated Osiris
Scan The World
Giustiniani Stele
Scan The World
Sati Stone
Buddhist Votive Stele
Scan The World
Lintel of Nakht
Scan The World
Lintel of Raiay
Scan The World
Fragment of a funerary monument with equestrian battle
Scan The World
Reliefs from a Funerary Monument: Electra recognizes her brother Orestres
Scan The World
Reliefs from a Funerary Monument: Antigone leads her blind father Oedipus
Scan The World
Head from the Funerary Monument of an Athenian Officer
Scan The World
Fragment from the Funerary Monument of Nikarete
Scan The World
Votive relief
Scan The World
Fragment of a sarcophagus
Scan The World
Stone shabtis of King Senkamanisken
Scan The World
Inscribed funerary cippus
Scan The World
Statuette of the god Ptah-Sokar-Osiris
Scan The World
Child crying over mother
Tablet Remix
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