fragment of a funerary stele of a woman with a lamenting women —

Founded fragment of a funerary stele of a woman with a lamenting women models & stl files for printing
Funerary statue of a dog
Scan The World
Funerary lekythos
Scan The World
Stele 6 of Piedras Negras
Scan The World
Stele of Makedon Heroes
Scan The World
Stele 11 of Monte Alban
Scan The World
Stele of a man
Scan The World
Funerary urn
Scan The World
Funerary Relief
Scan The World
Biblical scenes
Scan The World
Stele D of Quirigua
Scan The World
Fragment of a Water Basin
Scan The World
Fragment of a metope
Scan The World
Funerary urn
Scan The World
Fragment of a frieze
Scan The World