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Printable Puzzle Project
Multi-Grain Burr - Assembly puzzle by Stewart Coffin (STC #275-A)
Assemble the four pieces into the unusual shape shown in the photo ...
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Multi-Grain Burr - Assembly puzzle by Stewart Coffin (STC #275-A) alternatives
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Augmented Four Corners - Interlocking puzzle by Stewart Coffin (STC #34)
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Dudd / Missing Notches - Interlocking puzzles by Stewart Coffin (STC #129 / 129-A)
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Design No. 78-A - Assembly puzzle by Stewart Coffin (STC #78-A)
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Triumph - Interlocking puzzle by Stewart Coffin (STC #15)
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Sirius - Interlocking puzzle by Stewart Coffin (STC #4)
G Bell
Diagonal Cube Puzzle
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Castle / Vanishing Trunk - Tray-packing puzzle by Stewart Coffin (STC #181-A & #181-B)
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Half-Hour - Assembly puzzle by Stewart Coffin (STC #29)
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Star of David Improved - Interlocking puzzle by Stewart Coffin (STC #37-A)
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Pieces-of-Eight - Assembly puzzle by Stewart Coffin (STC #77)
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